All domains have a publicly accessible set of WHOIS information that can be accessed by any individual.
We do provide the ability to hide these details from a WHOIS request, the ability to hide these details depends on the TLD that the domain falls under.
For all domains that end in .UK (a .UK TLD) WHOIS protection is applied automatically to the domain without you needing to take any other steps.
For other TLD's there may by GDPR protection applied, GDPR protection applies to any domain that has a contact within the EEA and the UK.
These contact details would be replaced with hidden details such as the following:
Registry Registrant ID: GDPR Masked
Registrant Name: GDPR Masked
Registrant Organization: GDPR Masked
Registrant Street: GDPR Masked
Registrant City: GDPR Masked
Registrant State/Province: Essex
Registrant Postal Code: GDPR Masked
Registrant Country: GB
Registrant Phone: GDPR Masked
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: GDPR Masked
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
You can check if GDPR protection is currently enabled for your domain from within your Client Area via:
Client Area -> Domains -> Select Domain -> Manage Data Protection
We also offer ID protection, this is a separate service which is applicable to any none-.UK domain regardless of the contacts set on the domain.
This is a paid for service which can be access via:
Client Area -> Domains -> Select Domain -> Addons
ID Protection is not available for every domain, if you have any questions about whether ID protection is applicable for your domain please contact