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MailChannels – Fixing the 550 5.7.1 [SS] error

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If you’re receiving this error, it means we have detected abuse originating from your email account.

The 550 5.7.1 [SS] error indicates that the subject line in this/these message(s) contained one or multiple spam-like keywords commonly used on abusive or unsolicited email.

The 5.xx nature of the response code indicates that this was a permanent failure and your message(s) were returned and not delivered due to the high probability of spam content.

Common keywords include pharmaceutical terms and/or prescription medication names, lewd or obscene references, and other firm indicators or unsolicited or unwanted message traffic.

How can I unblock my account as an end user?

Secure your account against compromise by performing the following:

  • Change your password. Ensure your new password has a minimum length of eight characters and uses a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Verify that your operating system is running with the latest security updates.
  • Update your anti-virus software and conduct a full scan of your system to ensure that a spammer has not installed spam-sending malware on your computer.    

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